Sarah Beth Pfeifer

"Vocal De-Armoring shows us how to truly settle into what IS (NOT, importantly, what it feels like to get to "neutral" because we are humans and alive and there is no such thing!).
From this place of noticing and being with what is, we can introduce music and text and perhaps feel ourselves genuinely and spontaneously moved. Our voices, free to meet the music in an un-premeditated way, might surprise us with qualities of sound we never imagined ourselves making.
Character and emotions called forth by the material can flow in and through us, unplanned and unimpeded. We can learn and feel what it is to be interpretive artists, singers and actors, inside of creative flow."
Sarah Beth (she/they) is a singer, actor, writer, and artist based in New York City. Her acting credits include The Lightning Thief on Broadway and, most recently, Fun Home at Theatreworks Hartford. ​
SB began studying voice with Marisa in 2016 and became a member of Constellation Chor in 2017. As a part of Constellation, SB performed in Marisa's Desire/Divinity Project, sang with the New York Philharmonic, traveled to Greece to appear in the Vovousa Music Festival and met weekly at Judson Memorial Church to practice and discern the Core Sounding improvisation practice. SB's deep dives into both of these branches of Marisa's work has had a deeply profound impact on her relationship to singing, art making, and humanity at large. SB is thrilled to be apprenticing Marisa and gaining the knowledge and practical experience that will allow her to help others discover the freedom and joy this work has brought her.
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