Lessons with Marisa have utterly transformed my relationship to music, and immeasurably enriched my life.
"I spent two decades as an instrumentalist and a singer deeply frustrated by my seeming inability to feel free and truly expressive when making music. “Real” music always felt just out of reach, and it was heartbreaking.
In our work together, Marisa and I have confronted and gradually unwound the perfectionism that was literally constricting me, cutting off the free flow of breath through my body and the flow of musical ideas from my imagination to my voice. Through life-affirming sessions that perfectly blend wildness and discipline and honor every facet of my experience, I’ve learned how to let myself sing without getting in my own way. Now, I sing out in the world with confidence and freedom and pleasure. It's difficult to put into words how infinitely gratifying this is, and how exciting it is to sense the potential to find, through this work, ever more flexibility, presence, and artistry in my singing. I feel more myself than ever before, and I’m so grateful to have this work and this remarkable community at the center of my musical life."

Alysa Ain, Musician & Psychotherapist
Working with Marisa has been an ecstatic awakening to my own self
"Working with Marisa has been an ecstatic awakening to my own self. In my time with her I have touched places of grief and longing; I have felt into my own desire and engaged in playfulness in a way I had only ever imagined. All of these experiences have been embodied expressions of the moment that connect me more fully to the past, the present, and the future. The courage to step into myself in this way has felt possible only in the resonance of relationship and witness. I trust Marisa.

Pilar Gizzi, Psychotherapist
Studying singing with Marisa for the last 6 years has impacted every dimension of my life...
"...Her commitment to authenticity, freedom, and radical presence create the conditions for transformation on many levels. This was clear from when I first started working with her, and has only become clearer over the years.
Marisa is a brilliant teacher and healer of tremendous integrity, rigor, and depth, and I trust her immensely. She also happens to be tremendously FUN. With her support and guidance, I have experienced profound shifts and releases from long-held patterns of tension. These shifts have not only led to freer, more joyful, and expressive singing, but have allowed for more presence and spontaneity as an actor, and most importantly to me, greater access to and trust in my full Self.
Marisa is incredibly attuned to her students and has the uncanny ability to perceive exactly what is called for in each moment, which makes lessons endlessly delightful, alive, and deep. It has been exciting and fulfilling to experience the process of working with Marisa unfold over the years, and I look forward to ever-deeper unfolding in the years to come.
An added bonus is that Marisa attracts wonderful, lovely, insightful people, and it’s been a joy to come into contact with so many special humans through events that she hosts and through her Channel. Being Marisa’s student is a gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving."

Molly Ranson (Broadway's Prayer for the French Republic; August: Osage County; Plaza Suite; originated the role of Carrie White off-Broadway)
This work opens up the heart
"Working with Marisa has changed my whole approach to singing.
Even though I always loved singing, singing publicly used to cause me anxiety.
There is only one song in [The Notebook] but it’s a big one, and an emotional one. I am able to approach it now with joy. Even if I have allergies I am confident that my body will figure it out! I also worked with Marisa on The Lucky Ones - in which I sang much more - and I didn’t feel anxiety then either.
I’d recommend this work to all actors and singers but I also don’t think you need to be a singer to benefit from it. This work opens up the heart."

Maryann Plunkett (Tony Award Nominee for The Notebook, Tony Award Winner for The Goodbye Girl)
Michelson is a vocal Curandera of the highest order!
"Michelson is a vocal Curandera of the highest order! Over the span of three months working with her, I've experienced more vocal freedom and growth than I thought was possible. Each session with her was profound in that I felt my habituated tensions bypassed by her knowledge of voice, body, and methodology, resulting in a much healthier, free sound. Feels good to sing now. Big ups to MM, believe the hype, she's the real deal!"

J.D. Mollison, Actor (Three Houses, Octet, Moby Dick)
What can I say? Marisa turned my life around
"After many years as a choir member, soloist, musical theater performer and songwriter, I was at a standstill with my voice and had stopped singing because of the vocal tension. At the age of 75, I attended an in-person workshop with Marisa and found hope that this could change.
In one-on-one sessions over two years, Marisa’s ability to handle not only my vocal issues but my emotions was amazing. I always trusted her. She accepted whatever I was going through, could put my feelings in perspective, and could work through them with breath exercises that offered long-term release. The work progressed from increasing vocal freedom to performing a repertoire of songs — learning how to allow the flow of breath while interpreting the music. But past trauma was also resolved profoundly, and I became much more emotionally healthy.
After two years, I could perform successfully as a soloist again and felt free to play with my voice with real enjoyment! I will be forever grateful."

Kathy Vanderhorst, Singer
Marisa Michelson is a GENIUS
"Marisa Michelson is a genius. I come from an opera background later pulled into musical theater and jazz, and this is my first time working with someone who is more interested in authenticity than anything else. She is somehow able to capture the purest form of music that erupts from an experience within our bodies and is never interested in imposing any sort of ideal sound on to the people with whom she collaborates. Her philosophy of music is unique and it is a privilege to be in the same room with her."

Sepideh Moafi (The L Word: Generation Q; HBO's The Deuce; Black Bird)
Now I am more commanding with a softness that my kids are responsive to
"Most of my life I have had tightness and constriction in my throat and felt I needed some form of vocal or speech therapy.
Speaking felt cumbersome, painful and I would strain or lose my voice regularly. I was physically unable to project to call out to my kids in the distance, or to speak up in a loud group or give a lecture. I wanted to be able to sing in the car with my kids, to call out to them riding their bikes, and to give a 6 hour lecture and still be able to have a conversation with my husband later that night.
Working with Marisa I have discovered new layers of softness, expansiveness and ease. All these changes are so subtle and yet so profound.
Prior to this work, it was so hard to project my voice that when I did, it sounded forced and aggressive, no matter my emotional intent. Now I am more commanding with a softness that my kids are responsive to. All this was my aim; it is a bonus that singing lullabies and pop songs with my kids is more pleasant.
I am so grateful for the present, intuitive, creative, skillful guidance that Marisa has provided. She is gracious, compassionate and honest.
My experience has been nothing short of enlightening."

Dr. Heather Thomas, DPT, OCS, RYT
I would not have found my voice again
"It's no exaggeration to say that working with Marisa turned my life around. I came to her in a time of despair after nearly a year of trying various teachers, practices, and approaches to tending a vocal injury that was deeply impacting my life and work. She stayed with me through some initial weariness and hopelessness, gently and lovingly inviting me into deeper accountability to the practice at a moment when I really needed someone else's commitment to me and my ability to heal. The results were transformative and life-altering. I'm in awe of and grateful for her patience, gentleness, silliness, brilliance, and care without which I would not have found my voice again."

Joshua Blaine, Songleader/Songcatcher/Men’s Work Coach
deep dive inside your body, spirit and voice taking you into your past, present and future selves
"To see the human body and the energy that surrounds it through Marisa's eyes would be an extraordinary experience, and yet, that is her gift to you. Somehow, without pretense, she has access to a person's being that has either been suppressed or often just beyond their own reach.
Even though I sought a "Vocal Teacher" when I found her, that title doesn't do justice for the awareness and awakeness she levies upon her students. When it comes right down to it, Marisa is a healer. Using her unique skill set and deep intuition she listens for what is blocked and what yearns for release. Her approach is wonderfully sensitive, tactile and gentle, yet the work is not for the faint of heart. But if you are truly ready for a deep dive inside your body, spirit and voice taking you into your past, present and future selves, Marisa is a highly worth guide to lead you into that realm."

Reb Ezra Weinberg
my struggles felt understood for the first time
“Working with Marisa has rearranged my relationship to singing and performing. Her warm presence with, and deep attunement to, my vocal journey has been incredibly healing and has helped me grow towards a way of singing that is aligned with my whole body. After struggling to find a voice teacher for a number of years to help with extraneous tension and discomfort while singing, Marisa landed in my world and my struggles felt understood for the first time. She is wise, direct, profound, non-judgmental, and truly sees the people she works with. Working with her has been a blessing.”

Eliza Edens, Singer/Songwriter
The three sessions we did were life changing
"The three sessions we did were life changing. I took them because I wanted to better access a channeled flow state in music and singing. They solved the problem. There was an actual click - especially about the body, and shaking the body as a method of working with the nervous system and getting out of my head. I eventually started recording 5 minutes of improvised intuitive singing, playing with stretching motives and deep listening, and then I'd layer two more takes responding to what I'd done. SO liberating. I wrote 52 songs last year! I am so grateful for the work I got to do with you, helping me access that part of myself undid what five years of college clammed up. Thank you so much for holding space for me to learn."

Grace, Singer-Songwriter and Voice Teacher
a life-transforming experience
"Working with Marisa has been a life-transforming experience for me. She embraced my voice wholly from our first lesson, which allowed me to rediscover the full beauty of singing. I use Marisa's teachings daily to connect to the joy of singing. Her gift as a teacher is a rare combination of compassion and rigor; humor and steadiness. These lessons have been such an important gift in my life and have propelled my work as an artist forward; opening me to greater creativity and freedom vocally and beyond. I recommend working with Marisa to any and everyone who wants to truly connect to the joy and power of their own voice."

Jillian Walker, multi-dimensional artist, ancestral muse, composer, playwright
leading me to a discovery of my "real voice"
"When I arrived in NYC three decades ago from humid Japan, I lost my voice completely from stress and old bad habits. I studied with many vocal teachers and my voice somehow recovered, but not the way I wanted to. I met Marisa during the world premiere 'Tamar of the River' in 2013, and since then she has completely reconstructed my voice, leading me to a kind of discovery of my 'real voice' as opposed to always looking for a fabricated sound."

Ako Dachs (FX/Hulu Shogun, Lucille Lortel Nominee, Artistic Director Amaterasu Za)
a gifted midwife of the human spirit
"Voice work with Marisa is transformational. I recommend Marisa Michelson for anyone interested in reclaiming their voice and their body as a vessel of beauty, breath, and spirit. Muscles locked in fear for decades open to Marisa's ridiculously effective exercises. My singing has improved in leaps and bounds and the process is liberating. Marisa is a gifted midwife of the human spirit."

Shoshana Jedwab, Jewish Priestess, Drummer, and Singer
To say my voice has improved is a huge understatement
"Marisa showed me a level of depth and self-expression with singing that I didn't even know was possible. To say my voice has improved is a huge understatement. I don't just sing better. I sing from a place of joy and freedom. I'm so grateful for everything she continues to teach me."

Lane Kwederis
This work has brought me the closest I can remember ever being to my heart.
"Your declaration of this work as your spiritual path in your podcast interview with KAJ struck a chord of awe in me and elicited a full body YES. I wondered for many months if it could be that for me too. Now I have felt it and I claim it. I am journeying. It is hard because the stuff inside that was deeply and expertly hidden is bubbling up, but it is easy because singing through it and about it creates a salve that spreads through me. This work has brought me the closest I can remember ever being to my heart. I feel more inherently settled in my own being and body. My voice is more flowing and alive. My awe for this work grows. I'm enlivened learning from you and I will always be a student of your work."

Kendra Miers, Student and Singer, Wanderer in the Realm of Awe, Mother
Studying with Marisa has re-defined my voice
"I'm not a professional singer, I don't sing for my supper but I do sing for my soul. I wanted to recover my voice from the ravages of punk rock belting and middle age. Studying with Marisa has re-defined my voice. I'm singing from a more natural place with more range and without falling into old habits, affectations or gratuitous embellishments."

Owen Plotkin
intensely deepened my approach to art-making all together
"Studying with Marisa has taught me not just a vocal technique but a holistic practice of releasing tension, cultivating vulnerability, and seeking a truth that has shifted and intensely deepened my approach to art-making all together."

Sarah Beth Pfeifer, performer (Broadway's, "The Lightning Thief")
a nuanced relationship with my body
"Marisa is made of magic. She has helped me release my attachment to how my voice "should" sound and helped me build a nuanced relationship with my body in order to create sound from an authentic and liberated place... She has given me the tools to be a true singer. Prepare to go on a wild vocal journey with Marisa - it is a healing, holistic, sometimes frustrating, ultimately triumphant ride."

Jenny Piersol, Performer
I feel my voice has been liberated!
"With Marisa by my side, I have watched and listened to my voice unfold over the years. Together we have revealed it's subtleties, challenging what I had previously assumed about placement, and voice type. I feel my voice has been liberated! And I have never felt more confident."

Margo Seibert, performer (Broadway's Rocky and In Transit, off-Broadway's Tamar of the River, Three Houses)
She is a multifaceted, deeply intuitive, holistic, and playful voice teacher.
"Giggling, crying, lying in peaceful reverie, flapping my arms like wings, prancing around the room: these are just a few things I've found myself doing in lessons with Marisa. She is a multifaceted, deeply intuitive, holistic, and playful voice teacher. Working with Marisa has helped me discover and embody rather than control and demand things too quickly from my voice, contributing to a much healthier relationship with my singing. Her encouragement of patience, curiosity, and authentic expression has even helped me cultivate a more organic songwriting approach. Thank you, Marisa, for the sometimes challenging, often joyful, always gratifying journey of unifying the voice, body, mind, and spirit."

Oropendola (Joanna Schubert), singer-songwriter
Marisa's work often feels like magic to me
"My whole life I have never felt more connected to myself and my purpose than when I share stories through my voice. Since starting this work with Marisa not even a year ago, I see that I have just barely scratched the surface of what lives within me and my vocal power.
Before our first lesson, I thought of my voice as an instrument in the way that a violinist has their violin or a flautist has their flute: a separate object that can be unpacked and warmed up right before a lesson or rehearsal. Marisa has thrown that notion into the flames, revealing something much more spiritual, personal and vulnerable. My mind, body, spirit and voice are all one vessel carrying me to absolute freedom, including vocal freedom.
Marisa's work often feels like magic to me, a practice that is focused on far greater matters than just how my voice sounds but opening up my whole being to allow authentic sound to flow out and radiate. With you, I am free to release, to laugh, to play and to explore a whole new layer of myself and my relationship with my voice. And my voice has never felt so free."

Sarah Yeakel, performer
“The freedom of singing and the inner freedom of the human being are deeply interconnected.”
Lajos Szamosi
Founder of the Libero Canto Approach
As an official offshoot of the Libero Canto School of Singing, Vocal De-Armoring™ (Vo-De) is an umbrella term for a somatic and holistic approach to working with singing and voice-giving. Vo-De applies certain transformative approaches from that school more broadly, not only in service of freer singing, but in service of healing, self-growth, sexuality, and spiritual inquiry.
Vocal De-Armoring for Freer Singing helps professional singers working on Broadway, singing in stadiums around the world, leading song circles, singing classical music, etc. to sing with more freedom, joy, ease, coordination and mastery. It can also help with healing certain vocal injuries. For non-professionals, we may focus on non-musical vocal expression, like reading poetry or other texts, verbal communication etc. One’s relationship to voice-giving is complex and rich, whether or not you consider yourself a singer.
Vocal De-Armoring for the Nervous System creates a container in which the focus is not on preparing music for performance, but on healing. While Vo-De is always tuning to the state of the nervous system, in these sessions the focus is primarily on listening to your body and regulating the nervous system through the unique vocal, touch-based and imagination-based practices Vo-De offers. Journey with and in your body as you get to know all aspects of voice including inner voice.
If you’re not sure which application is best for you, discuss this with Marisa.
Stay in touch and get updates on upcoming programs and workshops