Deep Practice
membership program
In this evolving (soon to be more tech savvy!) deep membership program, you get to be in more intimate and regular connection with Marisa and the amazing humans doing this work.
Membership includes:
Bi-monthly live virtual group classes taught by Marisa
Opportunities to connect live around topics hosted by Marisa and others such as: Voice & Tantra; Men & Expressing through Voice; Broadway & this Path; Voice & the Nervous System, and more
Access to weekly asynchronous Marco Polo Video teachings
A cohort where you can communicate with and sing for others in the program
Additional Resources (like what? mmm, you'll see!)

Who is this for?
This program is designed for Marisa's current or former students who already have a basic body-understanding of this path and want to go deeper into the practice in community with other rockin' humans
If you have participated in one of Marisa's programs or worked with me privately you are likely eligible to join - if you aren't sure, reach out
If you haven't work with me but think you might be an exception, please reach out to us at mmichelsonassistant@gmail.com and let's discuss

Payment Options:
This program is offered at three different sliding scale rates to make continuing this work possible even if you can't afford 1:1 sessions.
Please tune into your body and notice which rate feels good for you. You might consider how this work impacts your life, what you value, and what financial means you have access to.
Stay in touch and get updates on upcoming programs and workshops