a wonderful, alive, supplemental community membership program
Work in a self-directed manner, following teaching videos on your own!
As well, by joining this channel, you get to be in more intimate and regular connection with me and the other wildly inspiring humans doing this work
Membership includes:
1 virtual group classes taught by Marisa each month!
1 monthly Vocal De-Armoring somatics and expression class taught by Marisa's trained apprentice, Meryl Yecies
Video teachings by Vocal De-Armoring graduates and Broadway performers, Margo Seibert and Sarah Beth Pfeifer as well as by performer, movement specialist and activist Shawn Shafner
Additional live virtual classes by guest teachers
Access to a library of video teachings
A cohort where you can communicate with and sing for others in the program
Additional Resources
Discounts for other classes and for private sessions

Who is this for?
Eligibility: We welcome all ages! all genders! professional singers and non-professional singers!
At least one 1:1 lesson with Marisa or another Vocal De-Armoring teacher. This provides context for the work.
Or you must have taken a group class or done a retreat with Marisa.
This would be a great supplement for you if you study with one Marisa's apprentices or graduates, but want to be in community with Marisa as well.
If you experience vocal pain, or if you lose your voice regularly, we will recommend you learn with a teacher instead of on your own. This is why we ask you to contact us for the sign up link, rather than making it available here.

This membership is currently included for students in my six-month Devotional Path
You have three sliding scale options to choose from. All tiers include the same material and access to the same videos and classes! The tiers are different in price only - and you choose.
I recommend this if you need help deciding which one is appropriate for you. Thank you!

Stay in touch and get updates on upcoming programs and workshops